Various Ways To Alleviate Pain Naturally

| Monday, March 14, 2011
By Amanda G. Thompson

We tend to get sick every now and then and we sometimes have to get up and go to the doctor to have our consultations. We are then treated to a list of medicines that are not only costly but can sometimes be hard to swallow. So, other than putting too much faith on commercial medicines, here are some ways to treat minor health problems such as headaches and burns with components that are found inside your own home.

Dandruff can really put down your confidence. So, even if there are a lot of anti-dandruff shampoo you can buy, a quick fix with aloe vera gel solves the problem. Leave the gel on for 20 or so minutes then rinse it off with warm water to remove the itch from your scalp.

Peppermint oil has been found to have a good effect when massaged near the head if you have a headache. Apply some pressure too along with peppermint oil at the base of your neck to soothe out headaches.

Ate too much spicy food and is now belching due to indigestion? A spoon or two of apple cider vinegar helps do the trick. Be sure to avoid eating too much spicy food or greasy food next time to avoid having to down two spoons of vinegar.

Athlete's foot can be very annoying especially if you have someone inside the house that has one. Instruct him to keep himself from wearing wet shoes or wet socks. Tell him to soak both his feet in salty water or in a diluted vinegar solution. Do this three times a day for at least a week.

Sore throats coupled with headaches is a sure sign of an incoming flu or cold. To relieve the pain of sore throat, rather than gargling chemicals to remove the pain, gargle with warm salt water every fifteen minutes until the pain is gone. You can then try drinking honey-lemon tea to soothe your throat.

Fresh aloe vera has a lot of healing properties to it. Apply directly onto affected skin when you have burns or cuts. Aloe vera quickly penetrates down to the skin that helps heal faster and leaves a cool sensation while it works its own magic.

Feeling sick to your stomach due to seasickness? Ginger tea can do wonders to your nausea. You can also chew raw ginger as you go along. But remember though that you need to chew small bits of ginger as the taste of the ginger might precipitate the problem.

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