Coumadin Clinics vs Laboratories

| Saturday, March 5, 2011
By Janet Smytherton

Many people, most of whom are over age 65, take warfarin to thin the blood due to a condition called atrial fibrillation. During atrial fibrillation, the heart's two small upper chambers (the atria) quiver instead of beating effectively. If the blood isn't pumped completely out of the heart's upper chambers, it may pool and clot. If a piece of a blood clot in the atria leaves the heart and becomes lodged in an artery in the brain, a stroke results. About 15 percent of strokes occur in people with atrial fibrillation. Maintaining the correct dosage of medication is instrumental to assure patient safety. The patient must have regular blood tests and comply with the instructions given as a result of the tests. Monitoring the effectiveness of the warfarin is done with these blood tests. The extrinsic pathway of coagulation is measured by a test called INR, the international normalized ratio. These test measure dosage, liver damage, vitamin K status and the clotting tendency of blood.

In the past, patients would go to the laboratory and have blood drawn from their arm. The results would be tested and sent to their doctor. The lab results are reviewed by the doctor, who determined if there is to be a change in the medicine dosage. The dosage is adjusted as necessary to maintain the INR in the desired range. In the past, it could take one day or longer before a patient would be informed of a necessary change in dosage.

Patient must go through this process for the rest of their lives, often repeating the test at two week intervals. With the advent of the clinic, there is now another option. The addition of specialized equipment allows the clinic to test blood from a finger prick, and it is no longer necessary to draw blood from the arm. First of all, they generally have specialized equipment at the clinic which can test the blood from a prick in the finger, eliminating the need to have blood drawn from the arm. Patients often have their vital signs checked at the coumadin clinic. Clearly, the coumadin clinic offers more service to the patient.

But best of all, they instruct the patient right then and there as to any adjustments in the dosage of warfarin needed to maintain the INR within the appropriate range. In one appointment, the patient has test results and dosage instructions. No more waiting until the end of the day or the following day to make adjustments to the medication.

Another benefit of a clinic is that they schedule the next patient visit at the appropriate interval. No more "two weeks for everyone". In some cases, where the INR reading has changed significantly, they may want to re-test in one week. In other cases, where the INR reading has been stable over time, they may schedule the next test for up to four weeks in the future.

The coumadin clinic fill a very specialized need in the community. The receptionists, lab technicians, nurse practitioners and doctors all get to know the patients. Often the patients of the Coumadin clinic can have lab work done there for other purposes - such as a CBC blood panel ordered by their doctor. This may seem like a small thing, but combining appointments for lab work can be a big convenience.

Certainly, the coumadin clinic fills a vital need in our communities.

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