Omega 3 Fish Oils: Essential atty Acids

| Sunday, April 3, 2011
By Owen Jones

Omega 3 essential fatty acids, frequently just referred to as omega 3 fish oils are known as essential, because they are very important to our well-being, but our bodies cannot create them in the quantity that we need them. Therefore, we have to eat them. These omega 3 fish oils are mainly found in oily fish like salmon, herring and mackerel.

Omega 3 contains two fatty acids that are very beneficial for human beings. These fatty acids are called DHA and EPA. So, the answer is to consume more fish, right? Well, yes and no. For decades, dietitians and doctors recommended eating at least two portions of oily fish a week. However, these days fish is polluted with heavy metals particularly mercury.

Mercury is extremely toxic to human beings, so that is the dilemma. We should eat more fish, but numerous individuals believe that fish is now too toxic for us to eat. Scientists have stepped up to the breach and extracted fish oils from fish and then extracted the heavy metals from those oils.

This puts us back on an even keel. Now you can get your essential fatty acids DHA and EPA without poisoning yourself in the procedure . These omega 3 fish oils are normally put into capsules and sold as supplements.

Omega 3 fatty acids have been linked with the prevention and retardation of a number of very dangerous human diseases like cancer, diabetes, macular degeneration, high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol and atherosclerosis. DHA in particular is very useful to the brain where it acts to reduce the rate of memory loss and reduce the likelihood of Alzheimer's

A low level of DHA has also been associated with depression and schizophrenia. It is fairly evident to doctors and dietitians that these omega 3 fish oils really are essential to our well-being.

Despite being able to obtain omega 3 from fish oil, fish do not make it themselves either. Instead these fatty acids are present in the foodstuff that they eat such as algae and krill. Krill oil is a comparatively recently uncovered source of omega 3. It contains less of the oils, about 63% of that in fish, but the beneficial effects are similar.

Green-lipped mussels from New Zealand are another bountiful source of these fish oils. In fact they contain a somewhat different blend of omega 3 which looks as if it will hugely help counteract inflammation. Inflammation is a key contributing factor in arthritis.

Other, land-based sources of omega 3, do not contain DHA or EPA, but they are helpful anyway. Some of these sources are walnuts, pecan nuts, butternuts and some seeds particularly flax and hemp.

Grass-fed meat and free-range chickens and their eggs also have omega 3, but again, not the vital DHA and EPA acids.

How much omega 3 should you take? Well, there is no 'recommended daily amount' (RDA) as with vitamins, but the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends 1.6 grammes/day for men and 1.1 grammes/day for women, but the absolute calorific value ought to be between 0.6 and 1.2% of your daily amount.

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