Concerning Nursing Homes Cost

| Tuesday, April 26, 2011
By Carlo Downey

Nursing homes has varieties and they are classified on their types. The available homes are dual registered homes, specialist Dementia care homes, nursing homes, and residential homes. These types vary on their services rendered and charges different prices.

Nursing Place

In addition to facilities for personal care, nursing homes also have medical care. Their staff will include qualified nurses which explain the high costs for nursing homes. There has been a research conducted to estimate the average costs for standard nursing homes. An estimated budget of $36,000 dollars annually is needed for a standard private nursing home. A more economical option would be partially private nursing homes; but it is still not cheap.For those seniors who have no budget to pay at all, there are at least partially state funded nursing homes available.

Homes that are inhabited

Seniors not needing expensive medical treatments but needs constant nursing care can opt for residential homes. Minus the costly medical treatments, these homes cost a little less, but still somewhat expensive. Prices can vary depending on the location and kind of residential homes, and can reach as high as $75,000 per year. With costs this high, it is a big allocation on even well established retirement funds. Seniors would usually have to pay majority of the costs since government insurance such as Medicare or Medicaid can only assist as much.

Twice Listed homes

For senior couples who have different levels of medical needs, but want to stay together, they can opt to stay at a dual registered home. In these companies, they will often have two set of beds; one set marked as residential, and the other as nursing. This makes it quite complicated as two levels of care is offered per pair. It is hard to have cheap prices on these type of companies since it depends on the must have of the pair. In addition to the needs of the pair, being in a private or partially private care can also affect cost.

Dementia care Houses

For patients having mental rather than physical impairments, the last kind is the dementia specific care home. These homes cater to the mental impairment of people rather than the physical impairment. These homes are designed for people having mental impairments such as dementia, Alzheimer's and a variety of other mental conditions.Because of the nature of the patients, it is vital to monitor the patients at all times, making these establishments more costly to run.State help is needs to be done in this situation. They should be able to evaluate the condition of patient to see if they are entitled for assistance in the costs for the treatment. The average expense of this care not fixed however in the UK the average is around ?25,000. While US price show $50,000 and costs may also vary.

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