Eye Issues That Diabetes Must Be Aware Of

| Monday, April 4, 2011
By Owen Jones

Diabetics have problems with sugar and starch, both of which the body processes into glucose which it uses for energy. The problem with diabetics is that this glucose is not processed in the right manner, it enters into the blood stream and is not dealt with by insulin as it should be.

The presence of glucose in the blood is normal and is called glaecemia but when the blood is over saturated, it is known as hyperglaecemia. For this reason, diabetics have to be aware of their blood/sugar levels at all times, which means that they have to be cautious of what they eat.

Lots of diabetics learn tell-tale indications that their bodies give to warn them of their high or low blood/sugar level, but most people also use blood check ups by a GP or even home blood/sugar monitors, which have become cheap enough to buy for personal use.

Not having enough glucose (sugar) in the blood is known as hypoglaecemia and leaves the brain starved of energy, which leads to temporary dizziness, confusion, blackout or a convulsion. Restoring the glucose level to standard returns full consciousness, Most diabetics learn to successfully circumvent this condition. More difficult is hyperglaecemia.

Hyperglaecemia is the opposite of hypoglaecemia and brings with it its own problems but they tend to cause long term concerns. Protracted periods of hyperglaecemia lead to cardiovascular issues, kidney issues and problems with eyesight and even teeth.

These complications take a long time to develop and the diabetic may not know that there is a difficulty until it is rather late. Therefore the necessity to monitor blood/glucose levels often. One of the first areas to show problems from hyperglaecemia is the retina because it is so sensitive.

Hyperglaecemic blood in the blood vessels in the retina causes them to swell developing high pressures on the sensitive eye constituent parts. Eyesight is soon impaired. The biggest worry for most diabetics is going blind or suffering macular degeneration, which impairs vision pretty severely but does not lead to complete blindness.

It is very important for diabetics to have an eye examination at least once a year and twice is better. The opthamologist will be on the look out for a condition known as diabetic retinopathy. If you are a diabetic you should be on your guard.

If you experience blurred vision, sudden dark spots or flashing lights before your eyes or feel pressure (not easy), you ought to get to the opthamologist as soon as you can.

There are treatments, particularly in the early stages, but the longer you leave it the worse it gets and the harder to put right, if that is at all possible.

Prevention is always better that cure, so diabetics ought to maintain their blood glucose level within standard boundaries and maintain a proper body weight. To do this, you will have to learn how much sugar is in various foodstuffs and take regular exercise. In other words: diet and exercise.

Other concerns that a diabetic might experience with their eyes is glaucoma and cataracts. Cataracts can be cut away quite easily, but glaucoma is very serious and leads to blindness.

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