Unit Dose Packaging Is Very Important to Those in Long Term Care

| Thursday, October 13, 2011
By Yvonne Brixey

Those of us with relatives in a long term care situation often worry about the medication our loved ones are prescribed. Sometimes there can be so many different medications from the pharmacy that it is difficult for that person to remember each medi dose they are supposed to take. Something that can ease the minds of those in long term care or loved ones of people on lots of medication is unit dose packaging. Unit dose packaging systems provide a better way for medication to be organized by the patient, and also allow the pharmacy to help the patient understand the proper medi dose for each medication. Each unit or dose is assigned a bar code and helps all parties understand when and how the dose is to be administered.

There are so many reasons why a pharmaceutical company might want to sell more unit dose packaging systems. Any rxinsider knows that the unit dose style makes medication dose instructions more easily understood. This style also allows for individual lid label covers, helping the long term client identify each medication and the proper dose. Unit dose packaging can also help a company track its inventory more accurately. Counting dose units during regular inventory can sometimes be subject to human error, while the unit dose style packaging system allows each dose to have a bar code to help track that medication more easily.

Pharmacies will also appreciate the unit dose packaging system. Each dose is individually sealed, and is kept clean and separate from other medication and outside contaminants. This is especially important for long term care patients taking medication that should not be mixed with other medications. There are also some medications that are dangerous for some people who might be administering medication to a long term care patient. An individual unit dose packaging system for their patient's medications will help caregivers from being exposed to a dose of medication that could be harmful in certain situations. The pharmacy and caregivers will also appreciate lid label covers on the unit dose packaging of each dose of medication. This system helps pharmacy, patient and caregiver administer doses of medication properly.

With so many of our older loved ones living longer and fuller lives due to medical breakthroughs in medication, many have found that the increase in the number of different kinds of medication has made proper administration of a dose of medication overwhelming. Unit dose packaging is a good way to keep a patient's medication safe and effective.

A pharmacy might want to look over their client directory to see if there are currently clients who would benefit from unit dose packaging systems for their medication. Unit dose packaging is practical for clients. It is also beneficial for the pharmacy, as it makes dosing instructions easier to explain to clients. Caregivers will appreciate the use of unit dose packaging as a way to more easily identify when and how to administer each dose of medication their loved one needs.

Unit dose packaging is important for all medication systems. The use of the unit dose packaging system will help eliminate user error, help track medications from manufacturer to pharmacy, and keep medication clean and separate for each dose.

Unit Dose Packaging Is Incredibly Important to Those in Long Term Care

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